Concepcion, Iloilo

If you are a certified backpacker, or you do not mind long hours of bus ride and you don’t want large crowds, I highly recommend going to Concepcion Islands. This quaint paradise is not yet commercialized and you can enjoy mother nature at its finest.

Concepcion is located at the northernmost part of Iloilo and has 16 picturesque islands to boot, most have white sand beaches, others are rich in marine life
map of concepcion

These islands are Pan de Azucar – the biggest and most popular among the islands because of Mt. Manaphag which is one of the tallest peaks in Panay. Agho – known for its white sand beach area with the magnificent view of the sunrise and sunset. Tago – nearest to the mainland, Bag-o Isi – has a shifting snake-like sandbar that points to Pan de Azucar. Bocot – located at NE of Bag-o Isi. Colebra – located at the northernmost frontier of Concepcion. Sombrero – from the term itself, it looks like a hat if you view it from above. Bag-o Sipol and Chico Island – 2 uninhibited islands found on the further east. Malangabang – the most populated island in Concepcion. Igbon – the best diving spot within the area. Botlog – island which has an eggnog shape. Bag-O Abo – which is perfect for snorkeling. Bulubadiangan – known for its shifting white sandbar. Danao-danao – known for its interesting natural stone formations. Tagubanhan – which shares the border with the adjacent town of Ajuy and Baliguian – the only coral atol in Concepcion and also the farthest island from the mainland.

How to go to Concepcion???
– From the airport you can ride a taxi or shuttle to Tagbak Terminal in Jaro District, Iloilo. Standard fare is Php 500.00 so it is better to opt this route if you are in a group.
– Once in Tagbak Terminal, ride the HPQ bus to Concepcion. Fare is Php 120.00 but beware of the lengthy bus ride (it takes approximately 3 hours)

– The bus would drop you off at the Concepcion Plaza, if you are staying at the mainland then you can either walk or ride a tricycle towards your hotel but if you want to stay in Sandbar Island Resort, then you have to rent a small boat which is usually Php 800.00, you can make the necessary arrangements from the Municipal Tourism Office also located in the Plaza . (see below for details)

Where to stay???
-If you are as adventurous as you say you are, then I recommend Sandbar Island Beach Resort located in Bulubadiangan Island. Room rates usually cost around Php 800.00/night or you can rent out their tents for around Php 300.00/night. But heads up, there is electricity but it only powers the light bulbs so make sure all your gadgets are fully charged. Also, make sure that you buy all your stuff (food, condiments, utensils etc)at the town proper as there no stores or restaurants in the Island. You can also buy fresh seafoods and just have them cooked in the resort.
Sandbar Island Beach Resort

-If you still want the comforts of a real bed, an airconditioned room, a restroom and you want electricity! 😛 then I suggest Hotel Junbee situated at the town proper. It is only a 5 minute tricycle from Concepcion Plaza and room rates ranges from Php 800-1,500/night. It is the only DOT accredited place in the area and the hotel owners (Mr. Jun Garavilla) is really really nice and accommodating. You can just arrange boat rentals directly form them so you can have a tour of the islands.
Hotel Junbee

What to do and where to go???

There are 16 islands to choose from for your Island Hopping but it is impossible to visit all in one day. Boat rentals also cost Php 1,500.00/island and you’ll just have to add Php 500.00 per additional island. I highly recommend visiting the following:

Agho – We just fell in love with this place and I wished that we could have spend more time lounging at the beach. You have a great view of Mt. Manaphag and this is a great place to have picnics with your family or friends. There are nipa huts situated throughout the island and you can bring your snorkeling gears since there are nearby corals and reefs. This place is perfect for your photo ops.
Agho Island

Pan de Azucar – This is the largest island in Concepcion although the shoreline is not recommended for swimming since this is where the fishermen park their boats. You can ask a local to give you a tour around the area. Although Mt. Manaphag is only a 3-4 hr climb, it is not advisable for beginners since it is one of the steepest mountain in the Philippines and the locals would only allow you to climb it if you are a professional. Aside from the tour around town, you can ask the local to bring you to Hampangan rock. Once you are on top, you’ll have a 360 degree view of the neighboring islands and you’d be as near as you can be to Mt. Manphag
Pan de Azucar

Bulubadiangan – If you are staying at the town proper, then you’d definitely have to visit Sandbar Beach resort and just like in Agho, you can also lounge at the sprawling white sands and the water is not too deep so you can definitely go for a swim. A lot of locals go here to offer freshly caught sea foods to tourist.
Sandbar Beach Island Resort

Malangabang Island – If you are staying at Sandbar and missed to buy some stuff, there are a few sari-sari stores and fish vendors on this island.
Malangabang Island

You can contact Concepcion Municipal Tourism Office for more information.
Contact Person: Mario Lazarito, Municipal Tourism Officer
Mobile: (+63)9194588451, (+63)918311923

And if you want to stay in Hotel Junbee, you can email them at

Hope this article help you guys. This was based on my recent trip to Concepcion and also from these two websites that helped me a lot in planning my trip 🙂

The Hidden Treasure of Concepcion Island

Do you believe in love at first sight? Well I do ♥ While browsing the internet for places to go in Iloilo, I stumbled upon numerous websites featuring the Islands of Concepcion and just like that, I instantly fell in love with the place and I knew this is where I wanted to celebrate our second year anniversary.

We went to Iloilo last March 4,2012. Upon arriving at the airport, we rented a van that would take us to Tagbak Terminal in Jaro District which took 40 minutes and from there we rode HPQ bus to Concepcion which took almost 3 hours.

I was glad that both my boyfriend and I are sleepy heads so we were able to catch a snooze during the bus ride but I still didn’t expect for the travel time to be that LONG! We arrived at Concepcion at around 10 AM and we went straight to Hotel Junbee which is only a 5 minute tricycle drive. The room we were assigned is a bit shabby but who am I to complain? Our room rate was only Php 850.00/night and just to be fair, it is the only DOT accredited place in the whole island and there is an outdoor pool which is a plus for me. We just took a rest for 2 hours and after that we went straight to the bayan to meet our boats men.

The boat we rented for our island hopping is quite big for 2 lovebirds and 3 boatsmen but that was the only one available that time. It was also quite expensive because it is rented per boat and it cost us Php 2,000 for the whole trip (Php 1,500 – 1 island plus P500 for each island).

We first went to Agho island which is almost an hour from the mainland. As soon as we reached the place it already felt like paradise. The island is uninhibited apart from the care takers, the whole beach was covered with pure white sand and the shoreline is ankle to knee deep for at least 10 meters. But what’s extraordinary about Agho is its magnificent view of Mt. Manaphag located at Pan de Azucar Island. The mountain is the highest peak all throughout Concepcion and it appears as though half of its height is submerged in the water. The entrance fee is only Php35.00/pax and we spent almost an hour there. It was almost perfect except for the fact that it was cloudy that day and I was expecting the sun high above us and the blue skies to provide a picturesque view of the surrounding but nevertheless it was still worth.

overlooking pan de azucar

overlooking pan de azucar

We then went to Pan de Azucar which is the largest and one of the most populous island in Concepcion. Unlike in Agho, you won’t be able to swim because of all fishing boats parked in the shoreline. A nice local welcomed us and became our tour guide all throughout and he even challenged us to climb Hampangan Rock that has greatest view of all the islands as well as Mt. Manaphag (which is the tallest peak in Concepcion) The climb itself is a bit challenge to us because of the steep height and also because both my boyfriend and I are quite hungry already but our weariness vanished as soon as we were on the top because the spectacular and breathtaking view.

almost there
the great hampangan rockanother view from hampangan rock

It was already 4 PM and as soon as we got back in the resort, we ordered our lunch/dinner and gobbled our food in a matter of minutes. We planned to swim in the pool but because we were both dead tired, we were already fast asleep before 8 PM. So much for tagging ourselves as an adventurous couple…

learn more about Iloilo through this website. It helped me a lot during the planning of the entire trip 🙂